Merger & Aquisitions

5 Must-Do’s for Senior Living M&A: Avoiding Insurance Pitfalls

Are you a Senior Living or Long-Term Care operator looking to expand through acquisitions? Hold your horses. Before you sign on that dotted line, there’s a minefield of insurance gotchas waiting to blow up in your face.

Listen, I’ve seen more operators get burned by overlooking these critical details than I care to count. But here’s the kicker – it doesn’t have to be you. Not if you pay attention to what I’m about to tell you.

In this no-nonsense guide, we’re going to drill down into the 5 absolute must-do’s when you’re in M&A mode. Ignore these at your own peril. But get them right, and you’ll be sitting pretty when your budget projections come in spot on!

1. Demand Those Loss Runs – And Make Sure They’re Worth the Paper They’re Printed On

First things first – you need to get your hands on the loss runs for every single line of insurance the target has had over the last 5 years. And I’m not talking about some half-baked summary. I mean the real deal, valued as of now.

Why? Because these loss runs are your crystal ball. They’ll tell you what kind of mess you might be inheriting. Are there any ticking time bombs? Any patterns that spell trouble? You need to know, and you need to know now. Additionally, any carrier you market the business to or if adding your enforce policy will demand it. Without it, they will assume worst in class and rate accordingly.

Action steps:

– Demand comprehensive loss runs for ALL lines of insurance

– Ensure they cover the last 5 years of operations

– Verify they’re valued as of the current date

Remember, if they hesitate or try to give you the runaround, that’s a red flag. A clean operation has nothing to hide.

2. Tail Insurance: Your Safety Net in the Time Machine

Here’s where a lot of buyers get caught with their pants down. You need tail insurance, and you need to be named as an additional insured on it. This isn’t just some fancy paperwork – it’s your lifeline if a claim from the past comes back to haunt you from the facility/community you just acquired.

Think about it. You buy a facility, everything’s going great, and then WHAM! A claim from two years ago resurfaces. Without tail coverage naming you as an additional insured, guess who’s left holding the bag? That’s right – you. At a minimum, you will incur the cost of defense to get yourself removed. Wouldn’t it be nice to have that covered by the tail carriers policy? 

Action steps:

·       Insist on tail insurance as part of the deal

·       Ensure you’re named as an additional insured

·       Verify the coverage periods align with potential liability windows

Don’t let anyone tell you this is optional. In the wild world of Senior Living and Long Term Care, it’s as essential as oxygen.

3. Play Detective with the Loss History

Now that you’ve got those loss runs, it’s time to put on your Sherlock Holmes hat. You’re looking for patterns, trends, and any losses big enough to make your accountant weep.

But here’s the secret – it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about the story behind them. A big loss could be a freak accident, or it could be the tip of an iceberg of systemic problems.

Action steps:

  • Analyze loss runs for patterns and trends
  • Identify any unusually large losses
  • Prepare a list of probing questions about significant incidents

And when you ask those questions, pay attention not just to what they say, but how they say it. Are they forthcoming, or do they seem to be hiding something? Trust your gut – it might save you millions.

4. Follow the Money: Deductibles and Future Losses

Here’s a gotcha that’s bitten more than a few buyers in the backside. You need to make darn sure that the seller can cover any outstanding deductibles and any deductibles associated with future losses that might pop up from their time at the helm.

Why? Because if they can’t (or won’t), guess who’s on the hook? That’s right – you. And let me tell you, nothing sours a deal faster than unexpected bills from the past.

Action steps:

  • Review all outstanding deductibles
  • Assess the seller’s ability to cover future deductibles from their operational period (if insured through a tail (ERP) policy)
  • Include specific language in the purchase agreement addressing this issue

This isn’t about being paranoid – it’s about being smart. In the insurance game, what you don’t know can definitely hurt you.

5. Management Agreements: The Devil’s in the Details

If you’re taking over management of these new assets, listen up. Your management agreement needs to be airtight, especially when it comes to what happens if the contract is terminated.

Here’s the kicker – if you’re not the one placing the insurance policy, you need to make sure you’re covered with tail insurance if the agreement goes south. Without this, you could be exposed to claims long after you’ve packed up your office.

Action steps:

  • Craft a robust management agreement that addresses insurance responsibilities
  • Ensure tail coverage is provided if you’re not placing the policy
  • Clearly define insurance obligations in case of contract termination

Remember, a handshake deal is worth the paper it’s printed on. Get it in writing, and make it bulletproof.

The Bottom Line: Knowledge is Power (and Profit)

Let’s cut to the chase. In the high-stakes world of Senior Living and Long Term Care M&A, what you don’t know can not only hurt you – it can bankrupt you. These 5 must-do’s aren’t just good advice; they’re your battle plan for coming out on top.

Ignore them at your peril. But master them, and you’ll be the one laughing all the way to the bank while your competitors wonder why their “sure thing” turned into a money pit.

Remember, in this game, the smart money isn’t just on the operators who can spot a good deal – it’s on those who can spot (and avoid) a bad one. And now, armed with these insider tips, that smart money is on you.

So go forth, expand your empire, but do it smart. Do it right. And most importantly, do it with your eyes wide open to the insurance pitfalls that have sunk so many before you.

After all, in the world of Senior Living and Long Term Care M&A, it’s not just about buying a business – it’s about buying peace of mind. And with these 5 must-do’s in your arsenal, that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Want to dive deeper into protecting your M&A ventures? Reach out to Echo Assurance. We’ve got the expertise to guide you through these treacherous waters and ensure your next acquisition is a triumph, not a train wreck.

Remember, in insurance – just like in business – knowledge isn’t just power. It’s profit.